Blueberry farm CZ - 30.03.2021

Implementation of a blueberry farm, including protection against hail, protection against birds and also against pests. The basic construction is a combination of wooden perimeter poles and central concrete poles. The building is covered, including access and handling routes, and pest protection is provided by an insecticide net.



Skladový areál Cerhýnky,
28102 Cerhenice (Карта)

+420 603 265 970,

Часы работы:
Понедельник - среда с 9.00 до 15.00
Другие даты по договоренности по телефону

Зарегистрированный офис и расчетный адрес

Nedbalsystem s.r.o.

Jaurisova 515/4, Michle,
140 00 Praha 4 (Карта)

ОКПО: 09165738, ИНН: CZ 09165738

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